List of universities in Rwanda
Public university
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
College of Arts and Social Sciences
College of Business and Economics
College of Education
College of Medicine and Health Sciences
College of Science and Technology
Private universities
Ruli Higher Institute of Health
University of Kigali
University of Lay Adventists of Kigali
Adventist University of Central and East Africa
Akilah Institute for Women, Kigali
Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda
Catholic Institute of Kabgayi
Catholic University of Rwanda
Christian University of Rwanda
Universite de Kibungo
Unicaf University Rwanda
Muhabura Integrated Polytechnic College
Institutd’EnseignementSupérieur de Ruhengeri
InstitutSuperirieurPedagogiqe de Gitwe
Kibogora Polytechnic
Premier ECDE Teachers College
African Leadership University
Kigali Independent University
KIM University
Mount Kenya University Kigali Campus
Protestant Institute of Arts & Social Sciences
University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies
University of Technology and Arts of Byumba